Convert Coordinates - Calculate a position in a variety of formats.

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Enter latitude/longitude or position.  Click the corresponding "Calc" button.  Lat/Lon, UTM, UPS, MGRS, USNG, GARS, Plus Codes, what3words, Georef, Maidenhead, and State Plane are supported.  WGS84 datum.

NEW: State Plane coordinates for the United States are supported.  Accepted formats...
or use the State Plane web page
HINT: If you have many coordinates to convert, try Batch Convert.

Latitude: Longitude:
Free. User account is not needed.
Free. User account is not needed.

This page accepts a wide variety of latitude/longitude and position formats.

Value Description
Latitude Latitude of point.  Google Earth uses the WGS84 geodetic datum.  Valid formats include:
  43 38 19.39

If expressed in decimal form, northern latitudes are positive, southern latitudes are negative.
Longitude Longitude of point.  Valid formats include:
  -116 14 28.86

If expressed in decimal form, eastern longitudes are positive, western longitudes are negative.
The position of the icon, in a number of formats: LatLon, UTM, UPS, MGRS, MGRS Polar, USNG (identical to MGRS), GARS, Maidenhead, Georef, Plus Codes, what3words, and State Plane.

Used in place of Latitude and Longitude.

If converting UTM/UPS or State Plane, see also Zone, Easting, Northing.

The following positions refer to 39° 18' 40.58" N 102° 17' 30.47" W which is near Burlington, Colorado, USA.

In the following table, "d" is used to mark degree digits, "m" for minutes, and "s" for seconds. For lat/lon, the letters "N, S, E, and W can come before or after the coordinates. So long as the coordinate can be understood, punctuation, spaces, and °'" are optional. Acceptable formats include:
Dec Degs 39.3112722°, -102.2917972°
dd.dddddd   ddd.dddddd
Dec Degs Micro 39.3112722N,102.2917972W
dd.dddddd ddd.dddddd
Dec Mins 39°18.67633', -102°17.50783'
ddmm.mmmm dddmm.mmmm
Dec Mins 3918.67633N10217.50783W
ddmm.mmmm dddmm.mmmm
Deg Min Secs 39°18'40.58, -102°17'30.47
dd mm ss.sss    dd mm ss.sss  
Dec Mins Secs 391840.58N, 1021730.47W
ddmmss.sss dddmmss.sss
UTM 13S 733494mE 4354817mN

Note that UTM position "13S" is in the Northern hemisphere.  Earth Point uses the convention that the UTM Band letters C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M are in the southern hemisphere and N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X are in the northern hemisphere.  UPS letters A, B, Y, Z are also supported.
MGRS, USNG 13SGD3349454817
State Plane
United States State Plane coordinates.
Easting and Northing (X and Y) can be in Meters, US Survey Feet, or International Feet, where
1 US survey foot = 1200/3937 meters, and
1 international foot = 0.3048 meters

Our sample point, 39° 18' 40.58" N 102° 17' 30.47" W, is located in Zone 3001, "Colorado Central"
The position is specified as "Zone X Y" as follows:
0502 1191021.721 473748.480 (meters is assumed)
0502 1191021.721m 473748.480m (meters)
0502 3907543.764UsFt 1554289.806UsFt (US Survey Feet)
0502 3907551.579ft 1554292.915ft (International Feet)

Supported units of measure
m, or not specified Meters
USft, ftUS, sft, fts US Survey Feet
ft, ift, fti International Feet

X, Y, East, and North
By default, the X coordinate, or Easting is specified first and the Y coordinate, or Northing is specified second. However, the order can be reversed if coordinates are explicitly labeled. Example:
0502 3907543.764 1554289.806 Normal specification - Zone 1102 followed by Easting and Northing in US Survey Feet
0502 3907543.764UsFtE 1554289.806UsFtN Same coordinate, order reversed, Northing followed by Easting.
0502 1554289.806UsFtY 3907543.764UsFtX Order reversed, Y coordinate is first, X coordinate is second.
Plus Codes 85FV8P65+G74VH5V
what3words layers.invented.entries
GARS 156LU19
Maidenhead DM89UH44XQ69

An extended twelve-digit grid is supported.  The lowest level grid measures .125 seconds of longitude x .0625 seconds of latitude.
deg min 39°18.67', -102°17.51'
dd  ddd
Georef FJCK42491867

Georef is specified to .01 minutes, which is a lower resolution than the other systems supported by Earth Point. Thus, Georef cannot plot the above location exactly. The next two points are the same, but they are about 570 meters southeast of the points above.

UPS is supported.  This point is by the North Pole.
Deg Min Secs 84°17'14.0363"N, 042°14'52.4473E"
dd mm ss.ssss    ddd mm ss.ssss  
UPS Z2426773E1530125N
MGRS ZGC2677330125