KML Shapes - Polygon Area, Linestring Length, Placemark Point.

A subscription is recommended if more than 5 shapes are processed at once.  more

Calculate the area of a Google Earth polygon, its perimeter, centroid, and bounding box.
Calculate the length of a path, its mid-point, and bounding box.
Show the coordinates of a kml placemark.

1)  In Google Earth, right click a polygon, path, or placemark, or a folder containing these items.
2)  Select "Copy" from the pop-up menu.
3)  Switch back to this web page. "Paste" into the text box below.

4) OR Select a KML or KMZ file.

5) Select the output options.

Coordinates: Area: Length:

State Plane
XY Unit of Measure

6) Calculate the result.

You are not signed in to your account. If a folder containing multiple shapes is copied into this page, only the first five shapes will be analyzed. For unrestricted access, please sign in or purchase a subscription. You must have Google Earth installed to use this data.
1) Polygons that cross the 180° longitude line will cause errors. Note that Google Earth has problems as well, and draws such polygons incorrectly.
2) Limited error checking. Please use only valid kml data.
3) NetworkLinks are not analyzed. The data must be copied in manually.