KML Shapes - Polygon Area, Linestring Length, Placemark Point.
A subscription is recommended if more than 5 shapes are processed at once.
Calculate the area of a Google Earth polygon, its perimeter, centroid, and bounding
Calculate the length of a path, its mid-point, and bounding box.
Show the coordinates of a kml placemark.
In Google Earth, right click a polygon, path, or placemark, or a folder containing
these items.
Select "Copy" from the pop-up menu.
Switch back to this web page. "Paste" into the text box below.
OR Select a KML or KMZ file.
5) Select the output options.
6) Calculate the result.
You are not signed in to your account. If a folder containing multiple shapes is copied into this page,
only the first five shapes will be analyzed. For unrestricted access, please
sign in
or purchase
a subscription. You must have Google
Earth installed to use this data.