Excel To KML - Display Excel files on Google Earth.

A user account is recommended for the features on this web page. 

Import a spreadsheet of lat/long coordinates to Google Earth.  Pop-up balloons, icons, paths, and polygons are easily created from the spreadsheet data.

  A B C D E
1 Latitude Longitude Name Description Icon
2 43°36'34.86"N 116°12'23.30"W BAM Art museum 12
3 43 36 33.22 -116 12 18.40 Roses Nice garden 111
4 43.608879028 -116.20320277 Zoo Great visit 186
Sample points plotted onto Google Earth.
Latitude and Longitude are all that is needed to create a basic display on Google Earth.  Add a Name, Description, and an Icon for a professional presentation.

Advanced features support GPS tracks, Time Sliders, and Grid Coordinates.

To get started, read the Quick Start instructions or download the sample data ExcelToKmlDemo.zip.

Icon Text: Display text in the icons on Google Earth.

Polygons: Draw polygons onto Google Earth.

Select an Excel file (xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, txt, or csv)

  Enhanced feature.  What is this?
Free. User account is not needed.
You are not signed in to your account. For unrestricted access, please sign in or purchase a subscription. You must have Google Earth installed to use this data.

If you need help getting started, or if you have ideas for improvement, please write or call.

Quick Start

  • Open Excel.
  • Enter these words into separate cells on the first row: "Latitude", "Longitude", "Name", "Description", and "Icon".
  • On the rows that follow, enter the attributes of each point.
  • "Latitude" and "Longitude" are required.  The other columns are optional.
  • "Name" is the label that appears next to each icon on Google Earth.
  • "Description" is the text that appears in the Google Earth pop-up balloon.  An Excel formula can be used to combine data from several columns.
  • "Icon" designates the icon that is displayed for each point.  An easy way to get an icon is to enter a number from the table below.  If the Icon column is left blank or if it is missing, icon number 166 is displayed.  You can also enter an icon's "www" web address.  If you don't want an icon, enter the word "none".
  • Save the worksheet.
  • Click the "Browse" button above and select the worksheet you just created.
  • Click the "View on Google Earth" button.

To Save The File

  • In the "Places" window of Google Earth, right-click the folder "Earth Point Excel To KML".
  • From the pop-up menu, select "Save As".


  • Displays an xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb (Excel), csv (comma separated values) or txt (tab delimited) file on Google Earth.
  • Excel columns "Latitude", "Longitude", "Name", "Description", and "Icon" are all that are needed for a professional looking presentation.
  • Advanced options allow you to elevate the icon above the earth's surface, draw a path ("connect the dots"), and control mouse-over effects.
  • Icons can be specified by entering a number from the table below or by entering the URL of an icon stored on a web server.
  • Formulas may be entered into any cell of a spreadsheet. Formulas can be used to specify icons, icon scale, format the Description text, etc. Formulas cannot be used in csv or txt files.
  • Column specifications are listed below.

GPS Track: use the following columns: Latitude, Longitude, LineStringColor, Icon, IconColor, and IconHeading.  Enter "lime" or "yellow" into the LineStringColor column. For direction arrows, enter "196" into Icon, "yellow" into IconColor, and "line-180" into IconHeading.  If you don't want an icon, enter "none" into the Icon column.  more...

  A B C D E F
1 Latitude Longitude LineStringColor Icon IconColor IconHeading
2 43.6097 -116.2048 cyan 196 yellow line -180
3 43.6095 -116.2047 cyan 196 yellow line -180
4 43.6094 -116.2046 cyan 196 yellow line -180
GPS track in a spreadsheet, csv, or txt file.
GPS track on Google Earth.

Time Slider: If you have GPS tracks or other data that contains time information, you can view this information sequentially using the time slider in Google Earth.  Excel To Kml looks for time information in columns labeled TimeWhen, TimeBegin, and TimeEnd.  See the specifications below.  Google Earth Blog has more information about the time slider.

Universal Transverse Mercator grid.
Courtesy Wikipedia.
Grid Coordinates: ExcelToKml supports:
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS)
Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)
MGRS Polar
U.S. National Grid (USNG) identical to MGRS
Global Area Reference System (GARS)
Maidenhead used by amateur radio operators
World Geographic Reference System (Georef)
Plus Codes
State Plane United States only

LatLon can be joined as one coordinate.  See the specifications below.


  • File name must end in ".xls", ".xlsx", ".xlsm", ".xlsb", ".csv", or ".txt"
  • The first row that contains the values "Latitude" and Longitude" or the value "Position" is considered to be the heading row. All previous rows are ignored. All subsequent rows are treated as data.
  • The columns listed below control the appearance of each placemark. "Latitude" and "Longitude" are required. All others are optional. Any column not listed is ignored.
  • Multiple worksheets are allowed in an Excel workbook. Each worksheet name will be displayed as a separate folder in Google Earth "My Places".


Excel To KML security is comparable to sending an email to a trusted colleague.  Your data is transmitted over the internet and saved as a file on the Earth Point server.  The data is immediately sent back to your PC in the form of a KML file and the original file is removed from the Earth Point server.

Columns Used By Excel To KML

Latitude, Longitude, Name, Description, and Icon are all that are necessary for a professional looking presentation.  Advanced options allow you to elevate the icon above the earth's surface, draw a path ("connect the dots"), and control mouse-over effects.  Excel To KML ignores any additional columns in your spreadsheet.

Latitude and Longitude
Column Heading Default Value Description
None Latitude of point.  Google Earth uses the WGS84 geodetic datum.  Valid formats include:
  43 38 19.39

If expressed in decimal form, northern latitudes are positive, southern latitudes are negative.

If blank or invalid, item is not displayed on Google Earth.
None Longitude of point.  Google Earth uses the WGS84 geodetic datum.  Valid formats include:
  -116 14 28.86

If expressed in decimal form, eastern longitudes are positive, western longitudes are negative.

If blank or invalid, item is not displayed on Google Earth.

Zone, Easting, and Northing
Column Heading Default Value Description
None For UTM, UPS, and State Plane coordinates, use the column headings Zone, Easting, Northing and optionally UnitOfMeasure.

UTM coordinates are assumed to be in meters. State Plane coordinates are assumed to be US Survey Feet. If a different measure is needed, then it can be specified in the UnitOfMeasure column. Supported values are
m - meters
UsFt - US Survery Feet
Ift - International Feet

An example of a UTM coordinate in meters
  A B C
1 Zone Easting Northing
2 15S 306932 4316107

An example of a State Plane coordinate in US Survery Feet
  A B C
1 Zone Easting Northing
2 1501 2100124 244910

The same State Plane coordinate expressed in meters
  A B C E
1 Zone Easting Northing UnitOfMeasure
2 1501 640119 74648 m
UnitOfMeasure (optional)

Position (MGRS, etc.), TownshipAndRange, TexasAbstract

Optional Columns
Column Heading Default Value Description
Spreadsheet Row Number The text displayed next to the icon on Google Earth.

If blank, no text is displayed.

If the Name column is not in the spreadsheet, then the spreadsheet row number is displayed.
  Icon can be any of:

  1. An integer between 1 to 279, which designates an icon selected from the table below;
  2. The URL of an icon stored on a web site;
  3. The path of a file on your hard drive or network drive, for example
      C:/folder/file.jpg or
      (note the three slashes, not two, after "file:");
  4. The word "none".

If the file cannot be found, Google displays .
If "none", no icon is displayed.
If blank, is displayed.

See also: IconText and WindBarbs
none Changes the icon color.

Possible values include Red, DarkOrange, Yellow, Chartreuse, Lime, SpringGreen, Cyan, DodgerBlue, Blue, DarkViolet, Magenta, DeepPink

Click for more details.
blank Organizes the data into folders and subfolders. When viewing the data in Google Earth, the entire contents of a folder can be hidden or shown by clicking the folder in the "My Places" window. Both forward-slashes and back-slashes can be used to separate the folder levels.

Country One
Country One/City One/Street One
Country One/City Two
Country Three/Office Four/Room Six
False An easy way to reduce map clutter when several icons are located close together.

Valid values are "True", "Yes", "x", "False", "No", and blank. If True, the icon is displayed with no label, until mouse over, then the label is displayed. If False, the label is always displayed. If there are many rows in your data, is helpful to hide the labels to reduce screen clutter.

If blank, or if column is omitted, Name is always displayed, regardless of mouse-over.

Advanced Optional Columns
Column Heading Default Value Description
  IconText displays text inside the icon on Google Earth.

IconText is used in place of the Name and Icon column headings. The default color is Cyan. The color can be changes using the IconColor column heading.

If the IconText column contains "Hello world", then the icon on Google Earth would be:

If IcontText is blank, is displayed.

By default, longer text will wrap.

However, text will not wrap if it does not contain any spaces.

The text will also not wrap if the IconTextWidthScale column heading is used and the row values are set to "NoWrap".

That said, IconText will always wrap at any line-feed characters. The line-feed characters are:

  1. <br> or <br/> or <br /> (the html codes for a line break)
  2. If using an Excel formula to create the IconText, the functions CHR(10) or CHR(13) & CHR(10)
  3. When entering text into a spreadsheet cell, pressing the keys Alt-Enter will insert a line feed.

Spreadsheet example:
  A B C D
1 Latitude Longitude IconText IconTextWidthScale
2 44.5 -105.34 Line one.<br>Line two.<br/>Line three.<br />Line four.  
3 44.5 -105.33 ="First" & CHR(10) & "Second" & CHR(13) & CHR(10) & "Third"  
4 44.5 -105.32 Use ALT-Enter when entering text.
The cell data will look like this,
which will be displayed as separate lines
in Google Earth.

As shown above, the IconText width can be controlled using the IconTextWidthScale column heading. "NoWrap" is used to prevent wrapping, except where specifically wrapped by using a line feed. The first two examples are narrow enough that they do not wrap. More on this in the IconTextWidthScale section below.

The IconColor column can be used to color the icons. The following illustration shows IconColor values of Red, Yellow, Lime, Cyan, and Magenta. The text inside each icon comes from the IconText column of the spreadsheet.

Spreadsheet example:
  A B C E
1 Latitude Longitude IconText IconColor
2 44.5 -105.34 This icon is Red. Red
3 44.5 -105.33 I am Yellow. Yellow
4 44.5 -105.32 Lime is nice ☺ Lime
5 44.5 -105.31 Magenta is to the right. Cyan
6 44.5 -105.30 Cyan is to the left. Magenta

1 Scales the relative width of the IconText icon. A value of 1 is the standard width, 2 is twice the standard width, etc.

Valid values:
  1. Any integer or decimal number
  2. NoWrap - which makes the icon text a single line

Note - regardless of the IconTextWidthScale value,
  1. The text will not wrap if there are no spaces in it.
  2. Except that the text will always wrap at a line-feed character.

Spreadsheet example:
  A B C E
1 Latitude Longitude IconText IconTextWidthScale
2 44.5 -105.34 WidthScale 1 - (default) IconText wraps for a better appearance in Google Earth. 1
3 44.5 -105.33 WidthScale 2 - IconText wraps for a better appearance in Google Earth. 2
4 44.5 -105.32 WidthScale 3 - IconText wraps for a better appearance in Google Earth. 3
5 44.5 -105.30 Title<br>WidthScale 3 - IconText wraps for a better appearance in Google Earth. 3
6 44.5 -105.28 NoWrap - IconText does not wrap if IconTextWidthScale is set to NoWrap. NoWrap
7 44.5 -105.26 Title<br>NoWrap with a line feed - IconText wraps at line feeds but nowhere else. NoWrap

The grey column identifies the spreadsheet row above.

Wind Speed
none When used together with the column heading WindDirection, displays a wind barb as the icon. The default unit of measure is knots. The column heading WindSpeedUnitOfMeasure can be use to specify units other than knots.

Valid values:
  1. Any positive number.
  2. Blank, in which case no icon is displayed.

How to read wind barbs National Weather Service Information About Wind Barbs

The following table shows wind barbs for various wind speeds. Note: if the WindDirection is "Variable", then the "Variable" icon is displayed regardless of the wind speed.

Variable 0 kts (calm) 5 kts 10 kts 15 kts 75 kts 105 kts

Wind Direction
360 Rotates the wind barb to indicate the direction from which the wind is blowing.

Valid values:
  1. Any number from 0 to 360.
  2. The word "Variable", or the letter "V", which draws the "variable" icon regardless of the wind speed.
  3. Blank, in which case a heading of 360 (North) is assumed.

Variable 0 degrees 60 degrees 120 degrees 180 degrees 240 degrees 300 degrees 360 degrees

knots Specifies the wind speed unit of measure. If not specified, knots is assumed.

Valid values:
  1. "Knots", "kt", "kts", "nautical miles per hour", "nmph"
  2. "Meters Per Second", "mps"
  3. "Kilometers Per Hour", "kph"
  4. "Feet Per Second", "fps"
  5. "Miles Per Hour", "mph"

Note: The wind barbs always show the wind speed in knots, regardless of the unit of measure.

standard Specifies the icon used for calm winds and for variable winds.

Valid values:
  1. Blank, the word "Standard", or the letter "S"
    Uses the Circle icon for calm and the V icon for variable winds.
  2. The word "Plus", or the letter "P"
    Uses the Plus icon for calm and the Circle icon for variable winds.

Standard style
Variable 0 kts (calm) 5 kts 10 kts 15 kts 75 kts 105 kts

Plus style
Variable 0 kts (calm) 5 kts 10 kts 15 kts 75 kts 105 kts

none Displays a picture in the pop-up balloon when an icon is clicked in Google Earth.

Valid values:
  1. The web address (that is, the URL) of a picture on the internet.
  2. The complete path and file name of a picture on your hard drive or on your network. This picture will only be visible if you are using Google Earth on a computer that has access to that hard drive.

Note: If the cell value starts with "<img", then Earth Point takes no action, the assumption being that the cell value is already formatted to properly display a picture.
All data columns are displayed The text displayed in the Google Earth pop-up balloon.

If the Description column is not on the spreadsheet, then all of the data columns are displayed in Google Earth.

An Excel formula can be used to combine text from several columns. For example, to display data from columns D, E, and F, with each of D, E, and F on its own line, and supposing we are on row 6, the Description column formula is
=D6 & "<br/>" & E6 & "<br/>" & F6
where <br/> is the html tag for a new line.

HTML tags are allowed.

If blank, no balloon is displayed.

Note: The easiest option is to not use the Description column at all. In this case, all of the data columns are displayed when the icon is clicked in Google Earth. This is equivalent to using the AppendDataColumnsToDescription column heading, and setting the cell value to TRUE.

AppendDataColumnsToDescription can also be used to list which columns should be displayed and in what order.
True Valid values are "True", "Yes", "x", "False", "No", blank, or a list of column names.

If "True", "Yes", or "x": appends spreadsheet data to the Description text. Includes all columns NOT used to format the Excel To Kml output. Also includes the "Name", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Position", and "TownshipAndRange" columns. "Name" is used as the Description title.

Note - if a spreadsheet column is hidden, then it is not included.

If "False", "No", or blank: does nothing.

If a list of column names, such as "Address, Price, City, Color, Region": these columns (if they exist in the spreadsheet) are appended to the Description in the order listed. If "Name" is included in the list, then the "Name" value forms the Description title.

Will be "True" if the Description and AppendDataColumnsToDescription columns are not on the spreadsheet.
True Valid values are "True", "Yes", "x", "False", "No", and blank. If true, appends Latitude and Longitude information to the Description text. Useful for seeing the translation of coordinates that are entered into the Position column. The description text is displayed in the Google Earth pop-up balloon. The description text is also displayed in the spreadsheet view on this web page.

The following example reports that "30UXC3542" is entered into the Position column, that it is an MGRS coordinate for a 1-kilometer grid, and that the equivalent Lat/Lon is 51.812518, -1.0416

MGRS KM:  30UXC3542
Lat, Lon:  51.812518, -1.0416

If blank, no text is appended to the Description text.

If the spreadsheet does not have a "Description" column, the text will nonetheless be displayed in the Google Earth pop-up balloon. However, no text will be added to the spreadsheet view on this web page.

Will be "True" if the Description and AppendDataLatLonToDescription columns are not on spreadsheet, and if the coordinate type is not Latitude and Longitude (that is, it is of Position, TownshipAndRange, or TexasAbstract).
none Draws a circle. Value in the cell is the circle's radius in meters. Supports other columns such as LineStringColor and LineStringWidth
True If IconAltitude or LinestringAltitude are used to raise the icon or the linestring (or polygon) above the surface of the Earth, then a vertical line is drawn from the icon to the surface, or from each point along the linestring (or polygon) to the surface. This give a 3-D look to the image. However, if the vertical lines are not wanted, then set the column value to FALSE.
See IconAltitude, LinestringAltitude just below.
Meters Specifies the IconAltitude unit of measure. If not specified, meters is assumed.

Valid values:
  1. blank, "Meters", "m"
  2. "Feet", "ft"
  3. "Kilometers", "km"
  4. "Miles", "m"

0 Height of icon above the ground (default) or sea level (optional), in meters.

If blank, height is 0.

See IconAltitudeMode, just below.
Relative If blank, "Relative", "AGL", or "AboveGroundLevel", the altitude of the icon is measured from ground level.

If "Absolute", "MSL", or "MeanSeaLevel", the altitude of the icon measured from sea level.

"RelativeToSeaFloor", interprets the altitude as a value in meters above the sea floor. If the point is above land rather than sea, the altitude will be interpreted as being above the ground.

"ClampToSeaFloor", the altitude specification is ignored, and the point will be positioned on the sea floor. If the point is on land rather than at sea, the point will be positioned on the ground.
None Fills an icon with a color.

Can be any of

  1. an HTML named color,
  2. an HTML hexadecimal color code,
  3. a Hue value,
  4. the word "none".

If blank or "none", the icon displays its default colors (see icon table below at the bottom of the page).

Bright colors show up best on Google Earth.

Bright named colors:

      Red DarkOrange Yellow Chartreuse
      Lime SpringGreen Cyan DodgerBlue
      Blue DarkViolet Magenta DeepPink
      Black Gray Silver White

Same bright colors as hexadecimal values:

      FF0000 FF8000 FFFF00 80FF00
      00FF00 00FF80 00FFFF 0080FF
      0000FF 8000FF FF00FF FF0080
      000000 808080 C0C0C0 FFFFFF

Same bright colors as Hue values:

      0 30 60 90
      120 150 180 210
      240 270 300 330
      No black or gray colors if Hue is specified.

All Hue values from 0 to 360:

Colors that come close to matching the Google Earth thumbtack and paddle icon colors (icon numbers 111 to 194 in the table at the bottom of this page):

      Yellow CornflowerBlue Lime Cyan
      HotPink MediumPurple Tomato White

Same colors as hexadecimal values:

      FFFF00 6495ED 00FF00 00FFFF
      FF69B4 9370DB FF6347 FFFFFF
None Rotates an icon.
Can be a number, the word "line" or the word "line" plus or minus a number.
A positive number rotates the icon to the right by the number of degrees specified by the number.
A negative number rotates the icon to the left.
The word "line" rotates the icon to face in the direction of travel.
The word "line" plus or minus a number rotates the icon to face the direction of travel, then rotates it some more as specified by the number.

For example, the airplane, icon 222 points "up" or north by default.  So, we use "line" to align the icon with the direction of travel.

However, the arrow, icon 196 points "down" or south by default.  So, we use "line-180" to turn the icon around and align it with the direction of travel.

If blank, or 0, the icon is not rotated.
Yellow If the icon is elevated above the ground (see IconAltitude) this is the color of the line drawn from ground up to the icon.

See IconColor for details.

If "none", the line is not displayed.
If blank, color is yellow.
100 The opacity of the icon. (Opacity is the opposite of transparency).

Can be any number from 0 to 100. 0 is no opacity (same as completely transparent). 100 is completely opaque (same as a solid color, no transparency).

If blank, then a value of 100 is used (solid color, no transparency).
1 A decimal number that increases or decreases the display size of the icon. Typical values are in the range of .5 to 1. No matter how big or small an image actually is, Google Earth displays it according to the scale. For example,




If blank, scale is 1.
True Hides or shows the item in Google Earth. The is equivalent to checking or un-checking the check box to the left of each item in the Google Earth "Places" window.

Valid values are "True", "Yes", "x", "False", "No", and blank. If True, the item is displayed. If False, the item is hidden. If there are thousands of rows in your data, the performance of Google Earth is much improved by hiding the items. The item can be displayed by clicking the check-box in Google Earth. If the Folder column heading is also used, all of the items in the folder can be hidden or displayed by clicking the folder's check-box in Google Earth.

Note - if a row is hidden, for example by using the Excel "Filter", then regardless of the "IsVisible" setting, it is not mapped at all.

If blank, or if column is omitted, the item is visible.
White Color of the label that is displayed next to the ion on Google Earth.

See IconColor for details.

If "none", the label is not displayed. If blank, the label is white.
1 Size of the label that is displayed next to the ion on Google Earth. Typical values are in the range of .8 to 2.

If blank, the scale is 1.
none LineStringName is listed in the "Places" window of Google Earth.

If blank, no text is displayed.

If the LineStringName changes from one row to the next, then it marks the start of a new line.
0 The altitude, in meters above the ground, of this end of the LineString.

If blank, altitude is 0.
Meters Specifies the LineStringAltitude unit of measure. If not specified, meters is assumed.

Valid values:
  1. blank, "Meters", "m"
  2. "Feet", "ft"
  3. "Kilometers", "km"
  4. "Miles", "m"

Relative If blank, "Relative", "AGL", or "AboveGroundLevel", the altitude of the line is measured from ground level.

If "Absolute", "MSL", or "MeanSeaLevel", the altitude of the line measured from sea level.
"RelativeToSeaFloor", interprets the altitude as a value in meters above the sea floor. If the point is above land rather than sea, the altitude will be interpreted as being above the ground.

"ClampToSeaFloor", the altitude specification is ignored, and the point will be positioned on the sea floor. If the point is on land rather than at sea, the point will be positioned on the ground.
None "Connect the dots" - draws a line from this point to the next.

See IconColor for details.

Note - a polygon is drawn if three or more consecutive spreadsheet rows have the same LineStringColor and LineStringWidth, and if the coordinates of the first of these rows match the coordinates of the last of these rows.
If "none" or blank, the line is not displayed.
Except that if LineStringColor is blank and any of LineStringWidth, LineStringAltitude, LineStringAltitudeMode, or ep_Circle are specified, then the color will be red.
None The text displayed in the line's Google Earth pop-up balloon.

An Excel formula can be used to combine text from several columns. For example, to display data from columns D, E, and F, with each of D, E, and F on its own line, and supposing we are on row 6, the LineStringDescription column formula is
=D6 & "<br/>" & E6 & "<br/>" & F6
where <br/> is the html tag for a new line.

HTML tags are allowed.

If blank, no balloon is displayed when the line is clicked.
2 Width of the line drawn from one point to the next. A decimal number, typically in the range of 1 to 3.

If 0, the line is not displayed.
If blank, width is 2.
None Valid values are "True", "Yes", "x", "False", "No", blank, or a list of column names.

If "True", "Yes", or "x": appends spreadsheet data to the LineStringDescription text. Includes all columns NOT used to format the Excel To Kml output. Also includes the "Name", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Position", and "TownshipAndRange" columns. "Name" is used as the Description title.

If "False", "No", or blank: does nothing.

If a list of column names, such as "Address, Price, City, Color, Region": these columns (if they exist in the spreadsheet) are appended to the Description in the order listed. If "Name" is included in the list, then the "Name" value forms the Description title.
None Valid values are "True", "Yes", "x", "False", "No", and blank. If true, appends Latitude and Longitude information to the LineStringDescription text. Useful for seeing the translation of coordinates that are entered into the Position column. The description text is displayed in the Google Earth pop-up balloon. The description text is also displayed in the spreadsheet view on this web page.

The following example reports that "30UXC3542" is entered into the Position column, that it is an MGRS coordinate for a 1-kilometer grid, and that the equivalent Lat/Lon is 51.812518, -1.0416

MGRS KM:  30UXC3542
Lat, Lon:  51.812518, -1.0416

If blank, no text is appended to the Description text.

If the spreadsheet does not have a "Description" column, the text will nonetheless be displayed in the Google Earth pop-up balloon. However, no text will be added to the spreadsheet view on this web page.
0 If an icon is double-clicked in Google Earth, or its label in the Places window, Google Earth will spin so that the viewer is looking in this direction.
1000 meters from the icon If an icon is double-clicked in Google Earth, or its label in the Places window, Google Earth will move so that the viewer this far from the icon (slant range distance, in meters).
0 If an icon is double-clicked in Google Earth, or its label in the Places window, Google Earth will tilt so that the viewer is looking at the icon at this angle.
If 0, then looking straight down. If 90, then looking straight across.
none Polygon name is listed in the "Places" window of Google Earth.

If blank, no text is displayed.

If the PolygonName changes from one row to the next, then it marks the start of a new polygon.
None Draws a polygon with the specified outline color.

See IconColor for details.

If "none" or blank, the polygon is not displayed.
none See IconColor for details.

If PolygonFillColor is specified, and if two or more consecutive points have the same polygon styling, then a polygon will be drawn. The first and last points of the polygon do not have to match.
30 The opacity of the polygon fill color.

Can be any number from 0 to 100. 0 is no opacity (same as transparent, or no fill color). 100 is completely opaque (same as a solid fill color).

If PolygonFillOpacity is specified, and if two or more consecutive points have the same polygon styling, then a polygon will be drawn. The first and last points of the polygon do not have to match.

If blank, then a value of 30 is used.
Outlined Can be any of "Outlined", "Filled", or "FilledAndOutlined".

If PolygonFillType is specified, and if two or more consecutive points have the same polygon styling, then a polygon will be drawn. The first and last points of the polygon do not have to match.
None The position of the icon, in a number of formats: LatLon, UTM, UPS, MGRS, MGRS Polar, USNG (identical to MGRS), GARS, Maidenhead, Georef, Plus Codes, what3words, and State Plane.

Used in place of Latitude and Longitude.

If converting UTM/UPS or State Plane, see also Zone, Easting, Northing.

The following positions refer to 39° 18' 40.58" N 102° 17' 30.47" W which is near Burlington, Colorado, USA.

In the following table, "d" is used to mark degree digits, "m" for minutes, and "s" for seconds. For lat/lon, the letters "N, S, E, and W can come before or after the coordinates. So long as the coordinate can be understood, punctuation, spaces, and °'" are optional. Acceptable formats include:
Dec Degs 39.3112722°, -102.2917972°
dd.dddddd   ddd.dddddd
Dec Degs Micro 39.3112722N,102.2917972W
dd.dddddd ddd.dddddd
Dec Mins 39°18.67633', -102°17.50783'
ddmm.mmmm dddmm.mmmm
Dec Mins 3918.67633N10217.50783W
ddmm.mmmm dddmm.mmmm
Deg Min Secs 39°18'40.58, -102°17'30.47
dd mm ss.sss    dd mm ss.sss  
Dec Mins Secs 391840.58N, 1021730.47W
ddmmss.sss dddmmss.sss
UTM 13S 733494mE 4354817mN

Note that UTM position "13S" is in the Northern hemisphere.  Earth Point uses the convention that the UTM Band letters C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M are in the southern hemisphere and N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X are in the northern hemisphere.  UPS letters A, B, Y, Z are also supported.
MGRS, USNG 13SGD3349454817
State Plane United States State Plane coordinates.
Easting and Northing (X and Y) can be in Meters, US Survey Feet, or International Feet, where
1 US survey foot = 1200/3937 meters, and
1 international foot = 0.3048 meters

Our sample point, 39° 18' 40.58" N 102° 17' 30.47" W, is located in Zone 3001, "Colorado Central"
The position is specified as "Zone X Y" as follows:
0502 1191021.721 473748.480 (meters is assumed)
0502 1191021.721m 473748.480m (meters)
0502 3907543.764UsFt 1554289.806UsFt (US Survey Feet)
0502 3907551.579ft 1554292.915ft (International Feet)

Supported units of measure
m, or not specified Meters
USft, ftUS, sft, fts US Survey Feet
ft, ift, fti International Feet

X, Y, East, and North
By default, the X coordinate, or Easting is specified first and the Y coordinate, or Northing is specified second. However, the order can be reversed if coordinates are explicitly labeled. Example:
0502 3907543.764 1554289.806 Normal specification - Zone 1102 followed by Easting and Northing in US Survey Feet
0502 3907543.764UsFtE 1554289.806UsFtN Same coordinate, order reversed, Northing followed by Easting.
0502 1554289.806UsFtY 3907543.764UsFtX Order reversed, Y coordinate is first, X coordinate is second.
Plus Codes 85FV8P65+G74VH5V
what3words layers.invented.entries
GARS 156LU19
Maidenhead DM89UH44XQ69

An extended twelve-digit grid is supported.  The lowest level grid measures .125 seconds of longitude x .0625 seconds of latitude.
deg min 39°18.67', -102°17.51'
dd mm.mm  ddd mm.mm
Georef FJCK42491867

Georef is specified to .01 minutes, which is a lower resolution than the other systems supported by Earth Point. Thus, Georef cannot plot the above location exactly. The next two points are the same, but they are about 570 meters southeast of the points above.

UPS is supported.  This point is by the North Pole.
Deg Min Secs 84°17'14.0363"N, 042°14'52.4473E"
dd mm ss.ssss    ddd mm ss.ssss  
UPS Z2426773E1530125N
MGRS ZGC2677330125

The equivalent Lat/Lon coordinates can be displayed by:
  1. Add an AppendLatLonToDescription column to the spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet also has a "Description" column, then the Lat/Lon coordinates will be added to the description.
  2. Click the "View File on Web Page, Check for errors" button above. Mouse-over the Position column entries. The Lat/Lon coordinates are displayed.

For each row of the spreadsheet:
Exactly one of Latitude and Longitude, Position, TownshipAndRange, or TexasAbstract must be filled in. The others must be blank. If all are blank, or if more than one is filled in, then the row is in error and will not be mapped.
None Western United States only, in a number of formats. Used in place of Latitude and Longitude or Position.

The Quarter/Quarter closest to our example position 39° 18' 40.58" N 102° 17' 30.47" W is the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 35, Range 44 West, Township 8 South, Sixth Meridian, Colorado.

Verbose, forward and reversed
SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 35, Range 44 West, Township 8 South, Sixth Meridian, Colorado
Colorado, Sixth Meridian, Township 8 South, Range 44 West, Section 35, SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4

Abbreviated, forward and reversed
SENW 35 44W 8S 6th CO
CO 6th 8S 44W 35 SENW

If there is no possibility of duplication, the state or the meridian can be dropped. In the above examples, both
SENW 35 44W 8S 6th and
SENW 35 44W 8S CO are both allowed.

However, some states have more than one meridian, for example California has three.
CA 14N 6E could be in any of the Humboldt, Mount Diablo, or San Bernardino meridians.
Yet, Humboldt 14N 6E is allowed, as there is no chance of duplication.

Likewise, a single meridian can cross into more than one state, causing duplication along the border. For example,
6th 12N 84W could be in either Colorado or Montana. However, Colorado 12N 84 West and Montana 12N 84W are permitted as there is no possibility of duplication.

Other formats
USGS Meridian Code may be used in place of the meridian name
For example, California Humboldt 14N 6E would be CA 15 14N 6E

BLM "Landkey"
CO 6th 8S 44W 35 SENW would be

BLM Geocoder format


Meridian Name
1 First
2 Second
3 Third
4 Fourth
5 Fifth
6 Sixth
7 Black Hills
8 Boise
9 Chickasaw
10 Choctaw
11 Cimarron
12 Copper River
13 Fairbanks
14 Gila-Salt River
15 Humboldt
16 Huntsville
17 Indian
18 Louisiana
19 Michigan
20 Montana
21 Mount Diablo
22 Navajo
23 New Mexico
24 St. Helena
25 St. Stephens
26 Salt Lake
27 San Bernardino
28 Seward
29 Tallahassee
30 Uintah
31 Ute
32 Washington
33 Willamette
34 Wind River
35 Ohio River Base
36 Between the Miamis
37 Muskingham River
38 38 Unknown
39 Scioto River Base (First)
40 Scioto River Base
41 Scioto River Base (Third)
42 Unknown
43 Twelve-Mile-Square
44 Kateel River
45 Umiat
47 West of the Great Miami
48 U.S. Military Survey
91 Connecticut Western
92 Ohio Company Purchase

The equivalent Lat/Lon coordinates can be displayed by:
  1. Add an AppendLatLonToDescription column to the spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet also has a "Description" column, then the Lat/Lon coordinates will be added to the description.
  2. Click the "View File on Web Page, Check for errors" button above. Mouse-over the Position column entries. The Lat/Lon coordinates are displayed.

For each row of the spreadsheet:
Exactly one of Latitude and Longitude, Position, TownshipAndRange, or TexasAbstract must be filled in. The others must be blank. If all are blank, or if more than one is filled in, then the row is in error and will not be mapped.
None State of Texas, United States only, in a number of formats. Used in place of Latitude and Longitude or Position.

Example, abstract 1025 in Anderson county:
The FIPS code for Anderson county is 001, so the complete abstract number is 0011025. The county name can be used in place of the FIPS code, as in Anderson 1025. The space between the county name or code and abstract number is optional.

The following values will be interpreted as abstract 1025 in Anderson county.
="001 1025"
'001 1025
Anderson 1025

Note that Excel removes leading zeros from numeric values. If 0011025 is entered into a cell, the value stored is 11025. Unfortunately, 11025 is not the number of any Texas Abstract. There are several ways to preserve the leading zeros.
1) Enter the value as a formula, ="0011025"
2) Precede the numeric value with a single quote, '0011025
3) Use the Excel toolbar to format the cell as "text".

The equivalent Lat/Lon coordinates can be displayed by:
  1. Add an AppendLatLonToDescription column to the spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet also has a "Description" column, then the Lat/Lon coordinates will be added to the description.
  2. Click the "View File on Web Page, Check for errors" button above. Mouse-over the Position column entries. The Lat/Lon coordinates are displayed.

For each row of the spreadsheet:
Exactly one of Latitude and Longitude, Position, TownshipAndRange, or TexasAbstract must be filled in. The others must be blank. If all are blank, or if more than one is filled in, then the row is in error and will not be mapped.
None A short text description that is displayed under the Name in the "My Places" section of Google Earth.

If blank, no text is displayed.
None TimeWhen identifies a location that is to be displayed at a single moment in time.

If blank or invalid the value is ignored.

If you have GPS tracks or other data that contains time information, you can view this information sequentially using the time slider in Google Earth.  Google Earth Blog has more information about the time slider.

Valid formats include:
August 17, 2007 1:09:26 PM
8/17/07 13:09:26
2007-08-17 13:09:26
1:09:26 PM

Eras are supported. AD (Anno Domini), BC (Before Christ), CE (Common Era), and BCE (Before Common Era), +, and - can appear before or after the date, or the era can be entered separately into the TimeWhenEra column.

Generally speaking, the TimeWhenEra column is the easiest way to add an era. The reason is that if era is entered together with the date in the TimeWhen column, the date formatting will likely be lost, causing the Excel To Kml utility to report an invalid value.
However, if the era is to appear together with the date in the TimeWhen column, as might be the case if the data is imported into Excel from another source, then the following are a few valid examples:
8/17/07 13:09:26 BC
B.C.E. 8/17/07 13:09:26
AD 8/17/07 13:09:26

It is also possible to use a formula in the TimeWhen column to combine date and era.
  ... C D E
1 ... Date Era TimeWhen
2 ... 2007-08-17 BC =Text(C2, "yyyy-mm-dd") & D2
3 ... Aug 17, 2007 B.C.E. =Text(E3, "yyyy-mm-dd") & D3
4 ... 8/17/07 - =Text(E4, "yyyy-mm-dd") & D4

The result in column E would be
2007-08-17 BC
2007-08-17 B.C.E.
2007-08-17 - (minus sign)
blank Eras are supported.
AD or A.D. (Anno Domini),
BC or B.C. (Before Christ),
CE or C.E. (Common Era),
BCE or B.C.E. (Before Common Era),
+ (plus),
- (minus)

If blank or invalid the value is Common Era, also known as AD.
None Indicates that the location is displayed for a span of time starting at TimeBegin. TimeBegin is often paired with TimeEnd. However, if TimeBegin is specified, but TimeEnd is missing, the location is displayed from TimeBegin forever after.

Eras are supported. See TimeWhen for details.

If blank or invalid the value is ignored.
blank Eras are supported.
AD or A.D. (Anno Domini),
BC or B.C. (Before Christ),
CE or C.E. (Common Era),
BCE or B.C.E. (Before Common Era),
+ (plus),
- (minus)

If blank or invalid the value is Common Era, also known as AD.
None Indicates that the location is displayed for a span of time ending at TimeEnd. TimeEnd is often paired with TimeBegin. However, if TimeEnd is specified, but TimeBegin is missing, the location is displayed form the beginning of time until TimeEnd.

Eras are supported. See TimeWhen for details.

If blank or invalid the value is ignored.
blank Eras are supported.
AD or A.D. (Anno Domini),
BC or B.C. (Before Christ),
CE or C.E. (Common Era),
BCE or B.C.E. (Before Common Era),
+ (plus),
- (minus)

If blank or invalid the value is Common Era, also known as AD.
All other columns are ignored.   Any additional columns are ignored. They are not used by Excel To KML. However, by default, these columns are displayed in the pop-up window when an icon is clicked in Google Earth.

Google Earth Icons

These icons can be displayed on Google Earth by entering the icon number into the "Icon" column of the spreadsheet.  Move your mouse over each icon to see what the mouse-over effect will look like on Google Earth.  If you want to give the icons a different color, add an "IconColor" column to your spreadsheet.


Oil And Gas Icons

These icons can be displayed on Google Earth by entering the icon number into the "Icon" column of the spreadsheet.  Move your mouse over each icon to see what the mouse-over effect will look like on Google Earth.  If you want to give the icons a different color, add an "IconColor" column to your spreadsheet.

Oil WellPlugged And Abandoned Oil WellSuspended Oil Gas WellSuspended Oil WellSuspended Well
Water WellGas Shows WellGas WellLocation WellOil Gas Well
Oil Gas Shows WellSuspended Gas WellDry Hole WellCathodic RectifierAnode Bed

Wind Icons

Wind Turbine

Icons That Do Not Have A Number

Wind Barbs

Wind barbs are made using the WindSpeed and the WindHeading column headings.   The default speed is knots (nautical miles per hour). The WindUM column heading can be used to specify different units of measure. The default color is green, yellow, or red, depending on the WindSpeed.  The IconColor column heading can be used to specify a different color.

Variable 0 kts (calm) 5 kts 10 kts 15 kts 75 kts 105 kts

A variation on the wind barbs uses a plus-sign to indicate variable winds and the circle to indicate calm winds.  Otherwise, the barbs are the same as above.  This style of wind barb can be specified with the WindStyle column heading.

Variable 0 kts (calm) 5 kts 10 kts 15 kts 75 kts 105 kts

Icon Text

Text can be displayed in an icon by using the "IconText" column heading.  An "Icon" column heading is not needed.  The default color is Cyan. The IconColor column heading can be used to specify a different color.

Examples of icons that can be created with the "IconText" column combined with either the "Icon" or "IconColor" columns.

Yellow CornflowerBlue Lime Cyan HotPink MediumPurple Tomato White